
Other jurisdictions information

A range of other supporting documentation exists to assist you in assessing capacity based on government guidelines, in relation to a range of conditions and criteria (e.g. NDIS, powers of attorney, wills, guardianship, etc.) Each jurisdiction has its own fact sheets and tool kits to help those assessing capacity (including authorised witnesses, medical practitioners, nurses, […]

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Other Jurisdictions Reference

There is a range of various supporting documentation to assist with assessing capacity based on Government guidelines for a range of conditions and criteria, i.e. NDIS, Powers of Attorney, Wills, Guardianship, etc. Each jurisdiction has developed fact sheets and tool kits to help those assessing capacity, i.e. authorised witness, medical practitioner, nurse, etc. to determine

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Victorian Oaths & Affirmations Changes Since 2019

In Victoria revised legislation was introduced, i.e. Oaths and Affirmations Act 2018 and associated regulations, with the implementation date from the 1st March 2019. This Act was for the wording for Oaths and Affirmations, Statutory Declarations, Affidavits and ‘Certified Copies’.A number of changes made the wording for Certified Copies’ ‘Statutory Declarations’ and Affidavits prescribed (mandatory)

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Commonwealth State Stat Dec Guidelines Quick Summary

Types of statutory declarations There are 2 types of statutory declarations: Commonwealth state and territory You need a Commonwealth statutory declaration if your matter relates to: the Commonwealth the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) some smaller territories You can review general information and download a copy at the following site: Commonwealth statutory declarations. Commonwealth Authorised Witness

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Information Aide Sheets – Certified True Copies Copy

The attached RVAHJ Information Aides provide supporting information to those from other sources, i.e. Department Of Justice. They add the experienced commentary from Honorary Justices and form part of a suite of training assets made available by the Royal Victorian Honorary Justice Association  for our members and others authorised under State and/or Commonwealth law to

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How To Certify Documents Copy

The process of certifying documents is similar for all jurisdictions that are brought before you, however as Victoria has recently introduced new requirements and is more stringent on the requirements  this module is focused on what is outlined in the Oaths and Affirmations Act 2018 and the relevant regulations. The process is outlined in the

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Information Aide Sheets – Statutory Declarations

The information aide handouts located in the materials tab provides supporting information, and adds experienced commentary from Honorary Justices. These resources form part of a suite of training assets made available by the Royal Victorian Honorary Justice Association (BJs & JPs) and others authorised under state and/or Commonwealth law to witness oaths, affirmations, affidavits, statutory declarations,

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