
What are statutory declarations?

According to the Australian Government, a statutory declaration is: a written statement declared to be true in the presence of an authorised witness.  The Statutory Declarations Act 1959 governs the use of statutory declarations in matters involving the law of the Australian Commonwealth, Australian Capital Territory, and other territories but not including the Northern Territory. It is a legally […]

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Why do we need certified true copies?

According to the Victorian Government: ‘A certified copy may be required for official government or court purposes and/or for commercial purposes. It avoids the owner of important documents (especially identity documents) giving up possession of those documents which might mean a risk of their loss or damage.’ Many legal and administrative processes and procedures also require certified copies as evidence to establish

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Victorian Oaths & Affirmations Act 2018

In Victoria, revised legislation was introduced, i.e. Oaths and Affirmations Act 2018, and associated regulations, with the implementation date from the 1st March 2019. This Act was for the wording for Oaths and Affirmations, Statutory Declarations, Affidavits and ‘Certified Copies’.A number of changes were made to the prescribed (mandatory) wording of ‘Certified Copies’, Statutory Declarations

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